Ledger ®Live ®: App ||

Ledger Live App provides a convenient and secure mobile solution for managing cryptocurrency assets with Ledger hardware wallets.

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Ledger Live App is the mobile application developed by Ledger SAS, designed to complement and extend the functionality of Ledger hardware wallets. It allows users to manage their cryptocurrency assets directly from their mobile devices, providing convenience and security on the go. Here’s an overview of the Ledger Live App and its key features:

Features of Ledger Live App

  1. Mobile Convenience:

    • Ledger Live App enables you to manage your Ledger hardware wallet and cryptocurrency assets from your smartphone or tablet.

    • It offers a streamlined interface optimized for mobile devices, making it easy to access your accounts and perform transactions on the move.

  2. Multi-Currency Support:

    • Similar to Ledger Live Desktop, Ledger Live App supports a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Ripple (XRP), Litecoin (LTC), and others.

    • You can add multiple accounts for each supported cryptocurrency and manage them seamlessly from the app.

  3. Secure Access and Control:

    • Integration with Ledger hardware wallets ensures that your private keys remain securely stored offline on the device.

    • Transactions initiated on Ledger Live App require physical confirmation on your Ledger hardware wallet, providing enhanced security against unauthorized access.

  4. Transaction Management:

    • Send and receive cryptocurrencies directly through the Ledger Live App.

    • Transactions are signed and verified securely on your Ledger hardware wallet, ensuring that your private keys never leave the device.

  5. Account Management:

    • View detailed account information, including current balances and transaction histories, for each cryptocurrency account managed by your Ledger hardware wallet.

    • Add new accounts and manage existing ones with ease.

  6. Security Features:

    • Ledger Live App incorporates advanced security measures, such as PIN code protection and biometric authentication (depending on your device's capabilities), to secure access to the app.

    • It leverages the robust security architecture of Ledger hardware wallets to safeguard your digital assets effectively.

  7. Portfolio Tracking and Insights:

    • Monitor the performance of your cryptocurrency portfolio with real-time market data, price charts, and historical trends.

    • Stay informed about market developments and receive news updates relevant to your investments directly through the app.

How to Use Ledger Live App

  1. Download and Installation:

    • Ledger Live App is available for download on both iOS (App Store) and Android (Google Play Store) platforms.

    • Search for "Ledger Live" in the respective app store, download the app, and follow the on-screen instructions to install it on your mobile device.

  2. Connect Your Ledger Hardware Wallet:

    • Use the USB cable provided with your Ledger hardware wallet to connect it to your mobile device via an OTG (On-The-Go) adapter (for Android devices).

    • Ensure your Ledger device is unlocked and ready to use.

  3. Authenticate and Manage Accounts:

    • Open Ledger Live App on your mobile device and follow the initial setup instructions to authenticate your Ledger hardware wallet.

    • Manage your cryptocurrency accounts, view balances, and perform transactions securely from the app.

  4. Perform Transactions:

    • Initiate cryptocurrency transactions by entering recipient addresses and specifying amounts within Ledger Live App.

    • Confirm transaction details on your Ledger hardware wallet to authorize and finalize transactions securely.

  5. Explore Additional Features:

    • Customize app settings, manage account preferences, and explore additional functionalities such as portfolio analytics and transaction categorization.

Security Considerations

  • Recovery Phrase: Safeguard your recovery phrase (seed phrase) offline and refrain from sharing it with anyone. This phrase is essential for recovering access to your wallet in case your Ledger hardware wallet is lost or damaged.

  • Secure Environment: Use Ledger Live App on trusted devices and avoid public or unsecured networks to mitigate potential security risks.

  • Regular Updates: Keep Ledger Live App updated with the latest versions available on the app store to benefit from security enhancements and new features.


Ledger Live App provides a convenient and secure mobile solution for managing cryptocurrency assets with Ledger hardware wallets. By combining ease of use with robust security measures, Ledger Live App empowers users to monitor and control their digital assets seamlessly from anywhere, ensuring peace of mind and efficient management of cryptocurrency investments. It's an essential tool for cryptocurrency enthusiasts who prioritize security and accessibility on their mobile devices

Last updated